Pregnancy and Childbirth are life changing experiences on the body and mind but experiencing it should never be a barrier to returning to the sport you love. Any return should be gradual though, with full match play not recommended by some until 12 weeks post-partum. Whilst exercise is fantastic for your mental health post-partum and such is the urgency for many netballers to have that brief escape from parenthood to be themselves for a short window of time, studies around exercise post-partum are limited. So, what is important is that you know your body, respond to what feels right or wrong, and take a steady step by step approach to your return to court.
England Netball follow the World Netball Guidance, which is it is the players choice as to how long or if at all they want to play when pregnant. It is always recommended that you seek advice from a medical professional as the experience of pregnancy can be so subjective.
For advice following childbirth, why not share with members Netballher’s proposed return to netball 0-12 weeks breakdown.
Found here Weeks 0 - 12 in return to exercise - NetballHer : NetballHer
Again, everyone’s story of childbirth, and post-partum experience is different. Returning from childbirth is like returning from injury, rushing it can cause problems.
For advice: